Month ago my girlfriend showed me a 9gag post and asked, if I could build something like that. So I ordered 2 led matrices and buttons from ebay, and built it, so here it is:It was a complicated project, so writing a step-by-step tutorial would take too many time, so I just summarize the main steps of the project and some advises.
First step: wiring of the led-matrix and functional for driving it
I checked the ebay site where I ordered the matrices and found this:
It's very similar in the inner working as the 7 segment display, see below. I wrote a custom functional for driving it, see at the code.
Second step: connect the buttons
I used very simple buttons from dx:
If you press it, it connects the 2 wire. It was the first time I've ever used a button with arduino, so I was a little bit confused about it, but Google helped me out again.
Third step: writing the tetris program
As I said in the title, and as you can see in the video, this version is only beta. There are bugs in the code, sometimes it makes weird things, and I can't figure out why. I'm going to fix it sometimes, but until then, here is the code:
(if link's broken, here:
But during the programming I've learned something useful. There is a a 2D int array, called fix[16][8], which store the fix dots, the fix pixels. It has a 5 in every pixel, where led lights and a 0 where led's dark. So I wanted to check if there is a full line, so I wrote this code:
//full line
i=0; i<16; i++){
j=0; j<8; j++) ch=ch*fix[i][j];
k=i; k<15; k++)
l=0; l<8; l++)
k=0; k<8; k++) fix[15][k]=0;
It multiply every number in a line and if it's bigger than 0 at the end, ie there was no 0 in the line, so it's a full line, the program deletes it. And it didn't work. Why? After a long time I figured it out: 5^8=390625. And it's too big for an int, so it overflows and gives back a negative number! So finally I changed ch to long int and so it works now. I could change
to if
or ch=ch*fix[i][j]; to ch=ch*fix[i][j]/5; but long int was my first tough and it works so I leave it so.Summary
It was, and it's still a big project, I hope, someday I'll finish it. Maybe I will add a demultiplexer to use less output of the arduino, and use better buttons, maybe even a use a keypad. But first I have to make the program better.
Best regards, hope you enjoy: